Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hernandez Back To Court

Image result for hernandez Former Patriot Aaron Hernandez was indicted this past week for witness intimidation in relation to a double homicide. The former tight end, who was convicted of murder last month in the Odin Lloyd case, now faces charges in connection to a drive-by shooting of two Boston men back in 2012 and is charged with trying to silence a witness.
The witness, Alexander Bradley, was reportedly in the car with Hernandez during the shooting. The two men were allegedly gunned down by Hernandez after one of them spilled a drink on the pro player in a club. In February 2013, Bradley claims that Hernandez shot him in between the eyes and left him for dead on the side of the road while in Riviera Beach, Florida after he made remarks about the killings. After losing one of his eyes, Bradley has now filed a civil suit against Hernandez.

With charges piling up against him, Hernandez and his lawyers will be returning to court many more times.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

White Sox & Orioles Play For Empty Stadium

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, the Baltimore Orioles and the Chicago White Sox went head to head at Camden Yards. It was a beautiful day for a game of baseball, the only problem was that there was no one there to watch it. The official attendance at the stadium that day was zero, the first time in baseball history.
Fans could get a good view from the balconies of the hotel across the street.
Fans look on from a neighboring hotel balcony.
Fans were prohibited from entering the stadium on Wednesday as a safety precaution due to the recent riots happening in the city. The only seats that were filled were those in the press box and in the dugouts, with the exception of three scouts that were in the stands on an assignment. Some fans did stand outside of the gated entrance hoping to see some action, while others watched from a balcony of a neighboring hotel. However, most of the game was accompanied by silence.
The top of the first. Camera crews only.
Camera crews look on in the first inning.

Speaking of the game, it ended within two hours of the first pitch with the Orioles winning 8 - 2. The O’s first baseman Chris Davis hit a three-run home run within the first inning, unfortunately no one was there to catch the lucky ball. And to think how many people could have gone home with some souvenirs that day.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Five Year Suspension Flushes University's Swimming & Diving Program Down The Drain

On Tuesday, Western Kentucky University suspended its swimming and diving program for five years following a report of multiple Title IX violations. This decision followed an investigation into the program and its students after accusations of sexual harassment and assault, hazing and drug abuse arose from a former athlete.The Bowling Green Police Department and the Title IX Office, which deals with gender equality and prevention of sexual harassment on college campuses and in sports, led the investigation, resulting in a seventeen page report describing numerous violations in graphic detail.

Ten out of the seventeen pages cite graphic sexual misconduct, including an assault on a female student by a group of male swim athletes. Despite the heinous account, however, only one student faces a criminal charge of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

When asked to comment on the decision, WKU’s athletic director Todd Stewart said “This is a very difficult and unfortunate decision on many levels. While many in the program have represented WKU with distinction, the overall findings of a consistent pattern of disappointing conduct is troubling and not acceptable at WKU.”

Swimming coach Bruce Marchionda, assistant coach Brian Thomas, and diving coach Chelsea Ale will reportedly be terminated as of June 30. The university has offered any team member the opportunity to transfer to other colleges for to participate in their swimming and diving programs. Any of the athletes who continue to attend the school on a swim scholarship will continue to receive their scholarship based on academic performance.

Students, faculty, and the community are now left to ponder how they will revive their program at the end of the five year punishment.

Works Cited

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reflection: Some things you just don't forget

In his article "Some things you just don't forget", Matthew Berry takes a brave and powerful stand against bullying. In response to the news of Richie Incognito harassing Jonathan Martin, Berry shares his own life experiences with being bullied and harassed. It takes an incredible amount of strength to come forward with personal experiences, even years after they happened. Berry provides insight into the "constant, debilitating fear" and loneliness he felt as a victim of harassment, as well as the obliviousness the bullies have to the impact of their actions saying "I bet those people probably don't remember they were tormentors. Most bullies don't". Berry provides understanding as to what Martin is experiencing and why Richie Incognito just doesn't get it. Through opening up about his own experiences, Matthew Berry opens up windows for others.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mariners' Tribute to Fallen Teammate

During their game on Sunday, the Seattle Mariners paid their respects to a lost friend, Victor Sanchez. Sanchez, the team’s pitching prospect, died on Saturday March 28 at the age of 20 from severe head injuries. While swimming off the coast of Playa Medina in his native Venezuela, Sanchez was hit by a boat and received a double skull fracture from impact with the propellers and developed a brain hematoma.
During his time in the hospital, Sanchez was induced into a coma and put on a ventilator. On February 18, it was reported on the Mariners’ home page on that the player was improving, the swelling in his head and neck was subsiding and he had moved his legs. However, his injuries were too severe and he passed away almost six weeks later.
Mariners general manager Jack Zduriencik released a statement saying “The Seattle Mariners are saddened to learn of the passing of Victor Sanchez. Victor was a tremendous young man and a wonderful teammate. He was a very talented player who was close to fulfilling his promise as a major-leaguer. He will be missed by his teammates, and by the coaches and staff at the Mariners.” 
Sanchez was due to attend the Mariners minor league camp just days after his accident. His jersey was hung in the dugout during the Mariners game Sunday in remembrance.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Major League Ganja: The Role of Marijuana in the Big Leagues

Back in January, reported that Larry Sanders of the Milwaukee Bucks earned a ten game suspension due to violating the NBA/NBPA Anti-Drug Program. Sanders landed in hot water after being caught multiple times using marijuana. This appears to be an appropriate punishment for an inappropriate offense. However, just how prevalent is marijuana use in professional sports leagues and why?

Turns out that Mary Jane is all over the map in the sports world. In the past decade it is believed that somewhere between 50 and 80 percent of players in the NFL use marijuana. In the MLB, there are claims that many players smoke throughout the league, but no one comes forward to admit it. Then of course there’s the NBA and even Olympians-remember Michael Phelps?-have used marijuana both on and off season.

Punishment for drug use is different from sport to sport. In the NBA, the first violation of the rules is admittance into the marijuana program, the second violation carries a $25,000 fine, and the third violation demands a five game suspension without pay; so on and so forth. Back in 2014, the NFL suspended Browns receiver Josh Gordon for an entire year after he tested positive for pot for the second time. This faced major criticism when Ravens running back Ray Rice only received a two game suspension for a domestic violence charge. The MLB suspends players for a minimum of 15 games for marijuana use and while this doesn't deter team members from smoking, it does keep people quiet about who does the smoking.

Despite being widely used across major sports leagues, smoking weed carries significant penalties fines and penalties. So why do players still toke up? With the rigorous schedule and  continuous scrutiny that players are under during every game, the drug is most commonly used as a way to reduce pre-game anxiety. Players in the NFL take a constant physical beating and suffer injuries that can lead to chronic pain. Many of them use marijuana as a pain reliever with a low risk for dependency, as opposed to the opiate painkillers administered by the league that can lead to dependency and substance abuse.

However many users there are in the game, major organizations like the NFL and NBA prefer players to use painkillers and to uphold a certain standard of conduct. And while there are heavy consequences, players will continue to get high off a drug that is on its way towards legalization.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Boston Olympics Persuasive Essay

Emily Durst Grade 12

Norton High School

2015 Will McDonough Writing Contest

Why the Boston 2024 Olympics Are a BAD Idea
               The Olympics are a source of national pride and international peace that takes place in one major city every four years. Men and women from across the globe come together to compete in their sport of choice in hopes of winning gold while exhibiting good sportsmanship. Here in Boston, Massachusetts, leaders and citizens are hoping for their great city to be a host of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games; but is it really the right thing to do? The answer is simple. No.
               The Olympics will damage Boston with crippling financial debt and controlled chaos both before and after the Games. The first step in accommodating for the Olympics is the construction of stadiums, hotels, roads, and parking facilities. While construction provides an abundance of jobs for people needing work, there are plenty of inconveniences that accompany this stage. Construction may interrupt the flow of traffic and of everyday life in an already chaotic city setting. Back-ups and accidents can become issues if traffic is not detoured properly and directed by authorities. Then of course, there is the cost of construction. Billions of dollars are spent constructing roads, stadiums, and other facilities. Where will all that money from? Taxes will certainly increase in order to help pay for the expenses; taxpayer dollars will be used on a large scale project that will be temporary. Budget cuts will affect schools all across the state – a state known for its quality of education. The sting will be subdued by the glamour of the Games when they and the tourists flood the streets of Boston. However, the ache will return as soon as the closing ceremony comes into fruition.
            When the Olympic Games are finally over and the excitement has subsided, many people experience what is called post Olympic depression. For Boston, this depression will be both emotional and economic. Out of the billions of dollars spent to accommodate for the Games, there is no guaranteeing that the revenue from tourism will come close to covering the cost. The sudden decrease in activity also poses a problem for new hotels and their employees. If one looks to the past and looks at former Olympic host cities, such as Athens, Sydney, and Montreal, they would see the weight of debt that drags them down. Athens ended up with a national deficit of 5.4 percent after the 2004 Games, Sydney paid $3.8 billion for their games in 2000, and Montreal was saddled with so much debt from the 1976 Games that it took until 2006 for the final bill to be paid – a whole thirty years of debt. However, there is some as a few past cities have found ways to beat the post-Olympic blues. China was able to avoid gaining debt due to growth in taxes and capital. The country also gave two of the venues to the China Agricultural University and to the Beijing Science and Technology University to ensure they did not fall to waste. Seoul was able make a profit of $300 million after the 1988 Games, which only reached a cost of $4 billion. The prognosis of these cities seems to be determined by the planning done beforehand and the actions taken afterward. The question is whether the city of Boston will be so fortunate.
            Massachusetts is a magnificent state and Boston is the cherry on top. Hosting an event as big as this would undoubtedly bury the Commonwealth in a mountain of debt. Having the highest quality of public education in the country, both city and state cannot afford budget cuts that would compromise such excellence. If Massachusetts is going to continue to pursue excellence in the future, Boston should pass up on the Olympic glory.


Rishe, Patrick. "How Does London's Olympics Bill Compare to Previous Games?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 05 Aug. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2015. <>.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Sacking the Super Bowl"/Should We Watch Football?

In his article “Sacking the Super Bowl”, Steve Almond asks an interesting question, should we watch football? Should we continue to support an organization whose moral compass is as damaged as the brains of the players it employs and as broken as the dreams of young high school athletes? That can be a lot to swallow, so I’ll start by giving simple answers: yes and no.

Yes, Americans everywhere should continue to watch football if they desire to do so. For years football has been a great American past time, whether people watch it or play it. As Almond stated in his article, it is a sport that brings family and friends together. Football has become a holiday tradition for many, with games on Thanksgiving and occasionally on Christmas Day (the last Christmas Day game was played in 2011, Greenbay Packers versus the Chicago Bears). Almond is correct in saying that the Super Bowl would be a national holiday if it wasn’t for Sunday. Even if their home team was down for the count weeks before, people everywhere sit down to watch the big game on a Sunday night; whether it’s for the action or the Doritos commercials. Football is so prevalent in American culture that it would be difficult to give up the love of the game. 

However, fans in the stadium and at home need to educate themselves about the dirty underbelly of football, the business side. Football has evolved into more than a game, it is a lucrative business. The NFL spends and earns billions of dollars each year and with that money comes a dangerous amount of power. As Almond wrote before, the NFL is a legal monopoly and is tax exempt; Congress doesn’t dare touch it. Fans should know that the NFL has denied any connection between brain damage and the physical brutality that players endure, despite medical research that repeatedly showed otherwise. Fans should be aware that football can get their children into college, but it will not guarantee excellence in education or the fulfillment of dreams. 

There’s no doubt that the ferocity players show on the field can lead to mental illness and brain impairment. There’s no doubt that such damage can be linked as a side effect of the powerful and profitable machine that is known as the National Football League. So I would like to take a step back and rethink. To me, the real question shouldn’t be whether or not we should watch football. What can we do to make football safer and the NFL less dangerous?